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What are the most common types of Background Checks for hiring construction professionals?

Background screening companies often differ from one another based on the kinds of background checks their company can perform. The primary types of Background Checks include the following: Credit checks: Credit checks are run to see a person's financial history. Companies use this information to determine how likely the individual is to make payments. Landlords, lenders and insurance companies often request this type of screening. Some employers run this type of check as well. Criminal background: Many background check companies research court, police and other records to determine whether the subject has a criminal history. Background check companies frequently use county and/or state records when conducting criminal background checks. They can also use federal records. Driving records: Companies that hire drivers who need to have a clean record will request this type of check to learn about the candidate’s driving history and ensure their license is current. Litigation records: Some companies may run a check on litigation records to determine how likely a job candidate or tenant is to file a lawsuit. Drug testing: Many employers require drug testing for job candidates and employees. Employment and education check: Many background checks include verification of a candidate’s employment and education history to ensure the candidate has all the qualifications required by their employer.

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