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Coral Energy , L.P.

Coral Energy , L.P.  (Visit website)

Houston , TX

Energy Producers- Developers

Coral Energy, an affiliate of Shell, operates as part of the global Shell Trading network in North America and provides a comprehensive portfolio of energy-related products and services associated with wholesale natural gas and power marketing and trading. Coral acts as the marketer of Shell's North American natural gas production and benefits from access to a strategic portfolio of power generation and gas storage assets. Coral Energy is much more than an integrated energy product and service provider; we are an energy partner - your energy partner - committed to positively impacting the profitability and competitive position of your business. That's our mission. This customer-oriented attitude and bottom-line focus are embedded in the minds of all Coral professionals. Our people are our underlying strength. And they're all working intelligently to deliver innovative and smart energy and energy-related strategies tailored to your business.""

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