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Energy Knowledge Group

Energy Knowledge Group  (Visit website)

Dallas , TX

Energy Producers- Developers

EKG has entered into an agreement with World Energy Solutions, Inc. to offer World Energy's advanced online reverse auction energy ProcureÔ process through the World Energy Exchange platform. As a full-seated licensed broker, EKG will focus on commercial, industrial and political subdivision markets. The Internet-based reverse auction engine will provide EKG's Customers an extremely efficient means to procure their energy by having all, not just a few, qualified certified Retail Electric Providers (REPs) in the state bid on the electric load. Instead of the usual 3-5 paper bids (of which are dated by the time you get them as you know), you can now receive multiple bids from as many qualified suppliers desired. The additional savings squeezed out through an online auction is usually an additional 5-15% beyond the typical energy procurement process. EKG will assist the Customer to develop a procurement strategy which includes structuring the proper contract that is best suited for the type of electric load"

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