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Volunteer Energy Cooperative

Volunteer Energy Cooperative  (Visit website)

Georgetown , Tennessee

Energy Producers- Developers

VEC continues to develop strategies to maintain strength in the years ahead. New substations have been completed in Bradley and Hamilton counties and those in Cumberland and Polk counties will be completed in the near future. An aggressive in-house economic development plan not only assists in attracting new organizations to VEC's service area but also ensures that existing businesses remain productive and profitable. The formation of the organization in 1935 brought affordable electricity to those who would have been otherwise unserved. Today, VEC continues to provide needed services with subsidiary ventures into metered propane (Volunteer Energy Propane), telecommunications (VolFirst Telecommunications Services) and natural gas (Volunteer Energy Natural Gas) which hold to the Cooperative's core value system of affordable service and reliability. Increasing use of technology will allow VEC to remain competitive in the years ahead. Real-time communications with substations via the SCADA system allows remote monitoring and troubleshooting. Automated meter reading is being implemented in selected areas. Internal computer upgrades will guarantee continual customer service improvement and will pave the way for additional features such as electronic bill presentation and payment. In 2001, VEC launched VECustomers Share, a program that awards grants to community organizations in its service area. The impact has been huge, with over $1.5 million already awarded. Funds come from VEC customers who agree to have their bills rounded up to the nearest dollar to help their neighbors. In its 70 years of operation, Volunteer Energy Cooperative has grown and prospered; bringing prosperity to the region it serves. Change is inevitable; however VEC has not lost sight of the reason for its existence - the members it serves.

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